CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL INFORMATION Full name: Vougiouklidou Anna , Lecturer of French language, department of IT Office: 80-82 Zeas str, 4th floor Tel: 2104142176 E-mail: QUALIFICATIONS -PhD 3e cycle (ParisIII-La Nouvelle Sorbonne) -MA (DEA ParisIII-La Nouvelle Sorbonne) -BA (University of Athens, department of French language and literature) -Higher Diploma in French of French Economics FOREIGN LANGUAGES -French Diplôme d' Etudes Supérieures -Italien Certificato Livello Medio Certificato Livello Avanzato -English B1 level WRITTEN WORK A) Books: -Initiation au français de l Informatique, Propombos pub , Athens , 2011. -Initiation au français économique,Papazissis pub, Athens, 1988 B) Articles: -The contempory face of technology in France -French as a language of speciality: Obligation or choice? -The sociocultural dimension in Business correspondence teaching OTHER ACTIVITIES Participation in Seminars From October 1989 to June 2011: -Oct.1989: "Le français de Spécialités:Elaboration de pratiques", Thessaloniki -May 1990: "Le français de Spécialités Utilisation de Pratiques", Athens -May 1992: "Le français de spécialités:Les nouvelles Technologies et l' accession à l' autonomie", Piraeus. -May 1992: "Le français de Spécialités:L' Informatique et l' accession à l' autonomie", Volos -June 1997 :"Le Français de Spécialités :Montage de cours de Français sur objectif spécifiques", Athens -April 2009 :"Le FOS dans l' enseignement supérieur grec", Athens TEACHING CAREER Since 1983 she has been teaching French as a language of speciality , at the University of Piraeus , in following departments : Business Organisation and Administration ,Economics, Finances and Banking Administration, Industrial Administration and Technology. Since 2008 she has been teaching French , French terminology in IT and Scientific writing , at the Department of IT. ADMINISTRATIVE-ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES -A representative of Foreign Language Teachers, in the senate of the University of Piraeus,(3 terms) -A member of the Board of Teachers at the University of Piraeus(2 terms) -A member of the scientific committee of the "Horizons Francophones" magazine(Association Panhellénique des Professeurs de Langue et de Littérature Française Diplômés Universitaires). FRENCH TEACHING SCHEDULE 1st +2nd semesters: Intensive courses for adults provide the basic skills in vocabulary –grammar-syntax of the French language. 3rd+4th sem: Based on the Common European Framework, the development of required skills is attempted through texts and multimedia: a) reading comprehension ,b)listening skills, c) writing skills, d) speaking skills. 5th+6th sem : The teaching material comes exclusively from the Field of IT end multimedia Great emphasis is given to the comprehension and production of both written and oral specch by the students. 7th+8th sem: Application of all the acquired skills in business environment. Business correspondence, presentation and support of argumentation. FRENCH IT TERMINOLOGY 6th SEMESTER -Students come in contact with the basic terminology of IT through texts qnd mainly through interactive activities. WRITING OF ACADEMIC PAPER 4th sem : The students of the department of IT are taught how to write their dissertation.
Office Hours: 13:00-18:00. Please contact the Professor for additional office hours.
Additional office hours, after consultation with the Professor.