
M.Sc. in "Digital Culture, Smart Cities, IoT and Advanced Digital Technologies"

Διδασκαλία 4 ημέρες την εβδομάδα, απογευματινές ώρες 18:00-21:00 !


The Department of Informatics of the University of Piraeus will operate from the academic year 2018-2019 a Postgraduate Program entitled “Digital Culture, Smart Cities, IoT and Advanced Digital Technologies” according to the provisions and Articles of Law 4485/2017.

On M.Sc., holders of formal qualifications of higher education domestic or equivalent institutions abroad, admitted according to the provisions and Articles of Law 4485/2017, indicative and depending on specialization: Departments / Faculties of Information and Communication Technologies, Technical and Natural Sciences, Engineering, Fine Arts, Architecture Engineering, Urban Planners, Philosophy Faculty, Humanities, Agricultural Sciences, Teacher Education, Theology, Economics and Social Sciences, Finance - Business and International Studies, Marine and Industrial, Social Sciences, Engineering of Technical University or Polytechnic, Environmental Engineering, Legal Sciences, Departments of Informatics, Audio and Image Arts, Cultural Technology and Communication, Departments of Information and Communication Technologies, Management of Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, Media and Culture, Digital Media, Communication and Cultural Management, Conservators of Antiquities and Works of Art, History and Archeology, Graphic Design, Information and Media, Management – Finance and Communication, Cultural and Tourist Units, Archival, Library Science and Museology, Photography and Audiovisual Arts, Greek and European Culture, Informatics Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, Chemical, Planning and Regional Development, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management, Mineral Resources Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering, Education Departments of Special Education, History - Archeology and Social Anthropology, Aquatic Environment, Political Science and Public Administration, Communication and Media, Media and Culture, Theater Studies, Philosophy, Education and Psychology, Geology and Paleontology, History and Philosophy of Science, Public Administration, Economic and Regional Development, Social and Political Sciences, Social Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology or/and other relevant disciplines with specialties and University graduates, Technical University of Polytechnics and Technological Educational Institute domestically and equivalent institutions abroad.

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