M.Sc. in "Digital Culture, Smart Cities, IoT and Advanced Digital Technologies"
Digital Culture
Obligatory Courses
1st semester
Intelligent Mixed Reality and e-Culture
The course deals with the applications of mixed reality in culture. It describes and analyses the imaginary line that connects the real with the virtual/digital world and presents the combination of research areas of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (AR). Virtual or Augmented Reality applications for e-Culture (VR, AR, 3D Printing) are highlighted as well as the principal issues of photogrammetry and 3D reality modelling.
Στο τέλος αυτού του μαθήματος οι φοιτητές/τριες θα είναι ικανοί να:
● Αναγνωρίζουν βασικές αρχές τεχνολογίας 3Δ γραφικών και μικτής πραγματικότητας.
● Προσδιορίζουν τις βασικές παραμέτρους των τεχνικών της φωτογραμμετρίας.
● Γνωρίζουν τις νέες τεχνολογίες για την αποτύπωση μνημείων (μικρής κλίμακας) και κειμηλίων.
● Παράγουν ψηφιακά περιβάλλοντα με τη χρήση λογισμικού ανοικτού κώδικα και των διαθέσιμων βιβλιοθηκών.
● Δημιουργούν απλά παιχνίδια σοβαρού σκοπού και εφαρμογές με έμφαση σε πολιτισμικό περιεχόμενο.
● Μεταδίδουν την αποκτηθείσα γνώση στα πλαίσια του μαθήματος με δημιουργικό τρόπο σε συναδέλφους τους με σκοπό την δημιουργία εφαρμογών πολιτισμικής πληροφορικής.
Anagnostopoulos Christos-Nikolaos
+30 210 4142479
WWW and Digital Collections Management
In this course we will analyze and present advanced issues in respect to web technologies. We aim at providing the necessary knowledge framework on recent trends of Internet and Web Technology emphasizing in the domain of digital culture. Emphasis will be given on the digitization of cultural collections (promotion, design, hosting, security, interoperability), as well as in the modern methodologies for the semantification of cultural metadata content (e.g. culturomics).
Upon succesful completion of the course, postgraduate students should be capable at:
- handling basic protocols and methodologies for cultural content promotion, design and hosting,
- organizing new digital co-operation schemes and communities,
- providing digital storytelling for cultural content,
- sufficiently handling the fundamental documentation and interoperable protocols for digital collections (e.g. CDWA, CCO, VRA Core 4.0, MODS), as wel as the related domain vocabularies (e.g. AAT, TGN, ULAN, CONA-IA, VIAF),
- managing and mapping semantic concepts over digital cultural content and across different sources (e.g. RDF, RDF Schema, OWL).
302,Central Building
+30 210 4142137
fax +30 210 4142472
Anagnostopoulos Ioannis
+30 210 4142479
Dialla Anta
+30 210 4142479
Razis Gerasimos
Teaching Staff
+30 210 4142479
Kotsifakos Dimitrios
Teaching Staff
+30 210 4142137
Cultural Analytics - Signal Processing and Services for Cultural Applications
The course mainly concerns signal analysis applications (optical and audio) for applications in culture. The course analyzes the principles of signal processing (image, video, audio) for the extraction and processing of appropriate features (image, video and audio feature extraction) in order to support research in the field of Culture and the proper management of the multitude of cultural (meta ) data generated. It will also deal with service issues for cultural applications.
With the completion of these two lectures, the student is expected to:
- Understand the nature of sound, its basic categories and the most popular tools and applications.
- Understand sound digitization and its stages (sampling and quantization).
- Learn the basics of the most fundamental signal transforms and how they are applied on audio, with an emphasis on DFT and the measurements that can be extracted from the sound spectrum.
- Understand the fundamentals of sound compression, storage and transmission.
- Be able to write simple Matlab programs that process sound and apply the acquired knowledge.
+30 210 4142479 | fax +30 210 4142119
505Central Building
Michalas Angelos
Kotsonis Ioannis
Διδάσκων, Συνθέτης ηλεκτρονικής μουσικής, sound artist και αυτοσχεδιαστής
+30 210 4142479
Kakoulidou Aliki
Διδάσκoυσα, Γραφίστας
+30 210 4142479
Sustainable Cultural Development for Digital Cities
Course Description Conceptual Approach of Cultural Routes, European Cultural Routes, promotion of cultural routes - digital means. Paths, European Long Distance Paths, Digital Paths, Creating Digital Cultural Routes, Case Studies.
Providing knowledge that examines the relationship between human and space through dimensions of time at a practical, emotional and ideological level.
The perceptual structure of the place. The city. The landscape of the city as a collective cultural processing by man. Concepts of space, place, landscape. Mapping and visualization of qualitative and intangible site data. Modern mapping and digital technology. Mapping evolution.
On successful completion of this unit students will be able to:
1. Identify the key concepts of cultural paths.
2. Understand the techniques of promoting cultural paths.
3. Analyse and propose techniques for designing digital cultural paths.
4. Define basic concepts of space and place.
5. To distinguish the elements that make up a site's profile.
6. To distinguish, analyze and process the multi-sensory landscapes of a place.
7. Use modern methods of capturing and representing the structural and physiological elements of a site.
8. Become familiar with modern methods of analyzing and visualizing landscape data.
9. Understand the city as a complex and complex system of big data.
10. Be able to apply modern practices of depicting cultural elements in the workshop for Piraeus.
Stefanou Iosif
Emeritus Professor
+30 210 4142479
Katapoti Despoina
Assistant Professor
+30 210 4142479
Vasilara Arhontoula
Teaching Staff
+30 210 4142479
Chatzigrigoriou Pavlos
Teaching Staff
+30 210 4142479
Oikonomou Agisilaos
Διδάσκων 104/ΓΛ126
+30 210 4142479
Siountri Konstantinaa
Διδάσκουσα, Αρχιτέκτων Μηχανικός Ε.Μ.Π.
+30 210 4142479
Linaki Elen
Teaching Staff
+30 210 4142479
Copyright, Personal Data and Regulatory Issues
The evolution of digital technologies, in particular the Internet of Things, raises a wealth of legal issues ranging from copyright law, privacy issues, consumer protection, free access to information, data rights regulation (in particular the Big Data issue) and the security of information systems (cybercrime issues). The course examines all of the foregoing and, more specifically, the legal aspects of artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain technology and smart contracts.
The purpose of the course is to detect and address the legal issues related to the rapid development of digital technologies focusing also to the new reality of the Internet of Things (IoΤ).
Upon completion, students are expected to be able to:
● identify potential third-party rights infringement in the development of digital applications in the context of the Internet of Things and Advanced Digital Technologies
● realize the legal boundaries in developing relevant applications
● negotiate their position and responsibilities in the context of relevant actions
● form their own opinion about the respective business strategies of private or public entities
Vagena Evangelia
Διδάσκουσα, IT & IP Law Expert and lecturer, CIPP/E, vice president of HADPP
+30 210 4142479
+30 210 4142479 | fax +30 210 4142119
2nd semester
Advanced Information Technologies for Monument Management
The course analyzes issues of recording, rescuing, documenting and promoting cultural monuments. The technological part of the course includes advanced technologies to assist all the above, such as: Technologies for capturing 3D models and point clouds through terrestrial and aerial scanners (drones), basic principles of 3D design of monuments, synthesis of 3D models and cloud points, as well as basic principles of 3D design.
At the end of this course students will be able to:
• recognize basic principles of capturing and promoting cultural heritage through advanced media.
• know the basic remote sensing techniques.
• know the new technologies for capturing large-scale monuments.
• prepare the necessary steps for capturing large-scale monuments through appropriate equipment (terrestrial scanners, UAV / drones, portable scanners).
• manage multiple point cloud registration data.
• produce 3D models in digital environments using software and other available libraries.
• transmit the knowledge acquired during the course in a creative way to their colleagues in order to create cultural IT applications.
Anagnostopoulos Christos-Nikolaos
+30 210 4142479
+30 210 4142314
ΙοΤ and Mobile Applications for Digital Culture
The course deals with issues related to mobile applications in the service of culture and consequently in applications that can potentially enhance side activities such as "experience tourism", which involves the creation of e-services and e-content that can be used by mobile devices to support forms of tourism. Indicatively, some applications are mentioned such as: 1) Guides of archeological sites 2) View of monuments of special cultural value, 3) Digitization of tourist and cultural resources, design of routes on digital maps, etc.
On successful completion of this unit students will be able to:
1. Understand the principles of User Experience (UX), its relationship with User Interface (UI), and the role of both UX and UI in designing interactive systems.
2. Learn the significance of usability evaluation for an interactive system, and be able to apply the heuristics methodology in order to evaluate the usability of interactive systems.
+30 210 4142479 | fax +30 210 4142119
540 Central Building
Skondras Emmanouil
+30 210 4142458,
+30 210 4142127
Michalas Angelos
Stefanou Vasileia
Teaching Staff
+30 210 4142479
Administration and Management of Cultural Units and Organizations
This is an introductory course on financial management and control. The aim of the course is to familiarize the students with the process by which managers insure that the effective and efficient administration of financial resources achieves a cultural organization’s public policy objectives. Cultural organizations include not only government agencies but also nonprofit organizations such as colleges, museums and arts organizations, and foundations.
The course provides the basic concepts, fundamental approaches and key tools for aspiring decision makers who do not necessarily hold financial positions or backgrounds. It will equip students with the state-of-the art tools, methodologies and ideas needed in making and analyzing the two key decisions in finance concerning Investments and Financing.
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
● Understand the key issues affecting finance decisions.
● Have a broad knowledge of issues related to the key goals, concepts, stakeholders, problems, decisions, variables, imitations and tools involved in the financial management of an organization managing cultural heritage.
● Prepare capital budgets, evaluate capital investment projects, and proceed to capital budgeting decisions.
● Identify the various financing options, sources and procedures that are available for funding Cultural Organizations and non-for-profit organizations.
● Prepare proposals for grants
Psychogios Dimitrios
319/Deligiorgi 107
+30 210 4142399
Androulaki Amalia
Διδάσκουσα, Αρχιτέκτων Μηχανικός, Γενική Διευθύντρια Αναστήλωσης, ΥΠΠΟΑ
+30 210 4142479
Panos Pantelis
Διδάσκων, Γενικός Διευθυντής της Αμερικανικής Σχολής Κλασικών Σπουδών στην Αθήνα (ΑΣΚΣΑ)
+30 210 4142479
Karamitsanis Vasileios
Διδάσκων, Πρόεδρος του Animasyros και της ΑΣΙΦΑ ΕΛΛΑΣ, Πρόεδρος του Δ.Σ. της Εθνικής Λυρικής Σκηνής
+30 210 4142479
Vassi Avgi
+30 210 4142479
Urban Design of Digital Cities
Principles of Geographic Information Systems, Selection of Spatial Data Models (vector / raster depending on the nature of the case study), basic concepts and cartographic techniques, basic principles of geographic database management systems, concepts and techniques of spatial analysis, mapping spatial data in regional and urban level.
Upon successful completion of this module students will be able to:
1. Identify the basic concepts of geographic information systems.
2. Analyze different spatial levels and scales and select an appropriate spatial data model.
3. Analyze demographic and general statistics at country / regional / sub-regional level and mapping them.
4. Analyze data at urban / urban level and mapping them.
5. Perform spatial queries and interpret their results.
Stefanou Iosif
Emeritus Professor
+30 210 4142479
Tsigkas Epaminondas
Teaching Staff
+30 210 4142479
Siountri Konstantinaa
Διδάσκουσα, Αρχιτέκτων Μηχανικός Ε.Μ.Π.
+30 210 4142479
Vasilara Arhontoula
Teaching Staff
+30 210 4142479
Advanced Media Technologies and Applications in Contemporary Culture and Heritage
The course discusses issues related to forms and manifestations of contemporary culture and new trends in the cultural industry such as: Methodology and experience of spectacle / narration with multiple media (transmedia storytelling, cross-media circulation, multi-platform distribution), contemporary digital arts, games of serious purpose (serious games), user generated content, social networking, second life.
Sampatakaki Maria
+30 210 4142479
Tsiftsian Vasiliki
+30 210 4142479
Rappas Panagiotis
Διδάσκων, Σκηνοθέτης, Animator, Illustrator
+30 210 4142479
Kotsonis Ioannis
Διδάσκων, Συνθέτης ηλεκτρονικής μουσικής, sound artist και αυτοσχεδιαστής
+30 210 4142479
Kakoulidou Aliki
Διδάσκoυσα, Γραφίστας
+30 210 4142479
Siountri Konstantinaa
Διδάσκουσα, Αρχιτέκτων Μηχανικός Ε.Μ.Π.
+30 210 4142479
+30 210 4142479 | fax +30 210 4142119
3rd semester
MSc Thesis