ΠΜΣ Προηγμένες Τεχνολογίες Πληροφορικής Και Υπηρεσίες
The Department of Informatics Engineering of the Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia in collaboration with the Department of Informatics of the University of Piraeus offers a Joint Postgraduate Studies Programme (J.P.P.S.) in “Modern Information Technologies and Services”.
The Postgraduate Studies Programme awards a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree in “Master of Science (MSc) in Modern Information Technologies and Services”. The degree is awarded jointly by the Department of Informatics Engineering of the Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia and the Department of Informatics of the Piraeus University.
The program offers two tracks (directions) of specialization:
- Modern Telecommunication Systems, Internet Technologies, Internet of Things and Systems Security
- Information and Communication Technologies in Education
The Postgraduate Studies Programme is open, after a selection process, to graduates of Departments of Informatics, graduates of Schools of Faculties of Engineering, Faculties of Sciences, Faculties of Technological Sciences and/or to graduates of Humanities and Social Sciences, Economic, Legal, Philosophical, as well as Education Sciences who have successfully completed undergraduate studies in Greece or abroad.
The duration of the programme is 3 academic semesters.
Η χρονική διάρκεια του ΠΜΣ είναι τρία (3) ακαδημαϊκά εξάμηνα, ενώ για την απόκτηση του Διπλώματος Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών απαιτείται η επιτυχής εξέταση σε έξι (6) μαθήματα στο πρώτο εξάμηνο, η επιτυχής εξέταση σε έξι (6) μαθήματα στο δεύτερο εξάμηνο και η εκπόνηση και συγγραφή μεταπτυχιακής διπλωματικής εργασίας στο τρίτο εξάμηνο. Η αξιολόγηση των μαθημάτων πραγματοποιείται με την εκπόνηση εργασιών ή/ και εξετάσεων.
Classes are held at the premises of the Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia in Kastoria.
Classes start in October 2018.