Master Degree (M.Sc.) in "Informatics"
Courses of 2st semester
2nd semester
Object-Oriented Programming / Internet Technologies
Course Code ΜΠΠΛΑΝΠ01
Course Type Obligatory
Teaching Hours 3
302, Central Building
+30 210 4142137
fax +30 210 4142472
540, Central Building
Databases and Data Warehouses
Course Code ΜΠΠΛΒΔ01
Course Type Obligatory
Teaching Hours 3
501, Central Building
Artificial Intelligence – Expert Systems
Course Code ΜΠΠΛΤΧ01
Course Type Obligatory
Teaching Hours 3
Human-Computer Interaction
Course Code ΜΠΠΛΑΑΥ01
Course Type Obligatory
Teaching Hours 3
507, Central Building
543, Central Building
+30 210 4142314
Rapid Application Development
Course Code ΜΠΠΛΤΑΕ01
Course Type Obligatory
Teaching Hours 3
540, Central Building

-, GL126
+30 210 4142347
Elective Courses
Graph Theory and Applications
Course Code MPPLSA01
Course Type Elective
Teaching Hours 3
Introduction.Undirected Graphs:Basic Definitions and Results. Isomorphism. Graph Operations. Connectivity. Bipartite Graphs. Planarity. Adjacency Matrix. Mapping of a Graph. Chromatic Number. Independence – Covering. Cost. Labelled Graphs. Multigraphs.Trees:Basic Definitions and Results. Ordered Trees. Binary Trees. Traversal of Ordered and Binary Trees. Dominating Sequences. Enumeration of Trees.Directed Graphs:Basic Definitions and Results. Adjacency Matrix. Mapping. Operations. Kernel. Basis.Applications:Decision Trees. Trees and Operations. Depth First Search – Topological Ordering. Demoucron Method. Application to Time Scheduling Problems.
After successfully completing this course, students are expected to have acquired the basic knowledge of Graph Theory, through the basic definitions that are given, some important results that are presented and finally through some applications of Graph Theory to Mathematics, Algorithms, and to other topics in Computer Science.

Sapounakis Aristides
542, Central Building
+30 210 4142262

Tsikouras Panagiotis-George
Linear Programming
Course Code MPPLGP01
Course Type Elective
Teaching Hours 3
The course introduces the general LP problem and its mathematical representation and provides a deep insight to the simplex method, duality and sensitivity analysis of the optimal solution, and to special LP problems and solution methods, such as the transportation problem, the assignment problem and other network problems, such as the maximal flow and the shortest route problem.
The resource allocation problem. Mathematical modeling of the linear programming problem. Modeling resource allocation problems via linear programming. Linear programs with two variables- graphical representation and solution. Simplex method. Simplex algorithm. Duality in linear programming. Sensitivity analysis. Integer programming: the branch-and-bound method. The transportation and the supply chain problems. Network optimization. The assignment problem. The network flow problem. The shortest route problem. The minimal spanning tree problem.
Multimedia Signals and Systems
Course Code MPPLPSS01
Course Type Elective
Teaching Hours 3
302, Central Building
+30 210 4142137
fax +30 210 4142472
302, Central Building
Special Topics in Combinatorial Analysis
Course Code MPPLETHSA01
Course Type Elective
Teaching Hours 3